The Scripture tells us, "By love, serve one another" (Galatians 5:13). Another word for serve is minister, thus the word ministries is born. Bible Baptist Church is a healthy church, and one of the indications of that health is its willingness to serve the Lord by serving people. Some serve in visible ways. Others serve behind the scenes. But of all of these ministries represent people in our church with a genuine desire to meet the needs of other people, both in and out of our church. And there is room in each of these ministries for more help. We are praying that God will send us laborers. Perhaps the answer to that prayer is you.

  • Sunday School

    Each Sunday morning, at various times, twelve different classes or groups meet to study the Bible. Some are large, like the auditorium Sunday School class taught by our pastor. Others are as small as a one-on-one discipleship class for new converts that meets in a conference room. Most of our classes are grouped according to age. They are staffed by dozens of sweetly sincere, experienced Christians. Sunday School is a big deal here. We invite you to join us each week promptly at 10 AM.

  • Operation Go

    The mission of the church is the Great Commission. Almost every day of the week someone from our church is preaching the Gospel door to door. We also have two scheduled soul winning times: Thursday evenings at 6 PM and Saturday mornings at 10 AM. In so doing, we cover every house in our town of 60,000 people about once a year. In addition, we have an organized system of follow up visitation to help the new converts to grow in grace. We also  offer personalized training over a two month period to strengthen your knowledge base. There is no greater ministry than the ministry of offering Christ to the lost.

  • Music Ministry

    God tells us to come into His presence with singing. Music and song is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. God's people have historically through the centuries been a singing people. We work at following Him in this area. Several musicians using a variety of instruments accompany our services. We have an active choir and a developed team of singers. Our congregational singing is done with joy and fervor. Regularly, psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs rise to Him during our services.  

  • missions

    The mission of the church is the Great Commission. That has a local element, and a world-wide element. Missions is the latter. Bible Baptist Church is privileged to serve as the home base for several missionaries, and a supporting church for nearly two score more. In the past decade our normal size church has given nearly a million dollars to missions. We seek to pair that with a close relationship with our missionaries, and to regularly undergird them in prayer. We are pleased to hold the ropes in this way, so to speak. 

  • Hospitality Ministry

    Hospitality is about welcoming people into your home, providing for their comfort, and putting them at their ease. Each week guests join us for the first time. Others pay us a return visit but do not yet feel entirely comfortable here. Our hospitality team - from our greeters to our nursery workers to our ushers to those that clean our building - works hard at helping to smooth the transition to a new church. We want people not just to know they are welcome, but to feel that welcome, to feel that we are happy to see them and genuinely care about them. That is hospitality and that is what we strive for.

  • Free Indeed

    Jesus said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Addicts, prisoners, and the down and out are the outcasts of society. So we try to do what Jesus would do. We visit them. We hold Bible studies for them. We offer a little food. We pick them up for church. We tell them about Christ and about how freedom is found in Christ. We welcome them into our midst as warmly as we know how. It is a privilege to serve God by serving them.  

  • bus ministry

    Our Lord told us to go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that His house might be filled. (Luke 14.23) In our case that involves a bus and several vans that scatter throughout Dubuque on a Sunday morning in order to bring people to church. That takes time, tears, money, maintenance, and dedication. And it pays handsome dividends. There is nothing sweeter than gratitude from a changed life.

  • king's kids

    Children are to be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Certainly, this is the parent's responsibility first, but we seek to come alongside the parent and help as well. King's Kids is a program for elementary age young people that meets during the school year on Wednesday nights. In addition to lessons and games it emphasizes Scripture memorization. Young people learn so easily. King's Kids seeks to build on that, and to give each child a scriptural foundation for later life. 

  • Media Ministry

    The technology of the 21st century offers us boundless opportunities. In a church environment it also requires skilled and dedicated workers. They ensure the service is heard as it is intended to be heard, that special events function smoothly, that absent members and senior citizens are not left out, and that our digital and social media outreaches are up to date. We are exceedingly grateful for those that give their time and expertise in this way.

  • The deacon ministry

    Jesus is clear that leadership is service. Here at Bible Baptist Church God has graced us with several such precious servant leaders. They pay a price in time and ministry and burden that is unknown to the vast majority of the congregation, and they do it well. They come alongside the pastor, they undergird him, helping him as he serves the people. They are the Aaron and Hur that upheld Moses' arms until the victory came. They do not rule; they minister. In every sense of the word and every capacity to everyone within the embrace of our church. We are thankful God has sent us servants such as these. 

  • Foundations Youth group

    Young people are wonderful. We love them, and we love having them around. The Foundations youth group is designed to minister to them. Through it, we provide activities and mentoring and teaching, all designed to help them build their lives on the solid foundation of the Word of God. 

  • Be One Singles ministry

    Be One is a group designed to minister to the young adult. Often, with college and career choices, comes pressure. Growing up is not an easy thing to do let alone to do well. Be One gives us an opportunity to help young adults at a critical point in their lives, and we welcome that opportunity.

  • Ornaments of Grace

    There is nothing more beautiful than a godly woman. Ornaments of Grace is a ministry designed specifically with ladies in mind, designed to both serve them and to help them serve. Our pastor's wife, Mandy, leads in this and is a blessing.

  • Mighty Men

    David was the greatest king Israel had. Not coincidentally, he was surrounded by what the Bible describes as mighty men. Here at Bible Baptist Church we want to help our men to be mighty, not necessarily in physical strength but in spiritual vigor. This ministry is designed to help accomplish just such a thing.